Sunday, October 14, 2007

Like Popcorn in a Hot Pan

Some say that a church is bursting at the seams when the attendence goes up at the services. This is cool, but Barefoot is bursting at the seams in people's growing desire to participate in community outreach and mission opportunities. It is great to see a ministry meet an observed need rather than creating a needy ministry.

It is amazing to watch the Focus Five process produce Christ followers who are motivated to serve and share. It was not by design, but we have almost kept missions hidden. I have been traveling heavily this summer and have not been in position to "build" the mission ministry. We have continued with our mission support but have not advanced. What is happening now is like watching popcorn pop. People have been popping up asking about missions and the opportunity to get involved. I have been praying about how the Lord would have us become engaged in a local community outreach and today a person passionately requested to take the lead. Another man approached me about getting involved in missions.

When environments are created where people can WORSHIP, CONNECT, GROW and SERVE, they want to take the next step into the Fifth Dimension, SHARING. When God gets into a person's life, it is like steam in a kernel of popcorn. The believer is destined to burst forth in service and reveal the miraculous work of God that is taking place in his or her heart. It is great to help coordinate what God is doing.

"And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary. So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith." Galatians 6:9-10

Pop, pop, pop, pop! Loving what God is doing!


  1. Good Stuff Jim! I am excited to see how God is plugging you in. You had some pep in your step today! Thanks for all you do. Clay

  2. Jim, what a concept. I am so excited to have found your blog. I will continue to read and grow with you and Joan. Thank you for coming into mine and Jack's life. We need more people like you in our circle.


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