Friday, March 30, 2012

Responding Appropriately

Things haven’t changed much in the history of man and his relationship with God. We seek God when we need Him and act as though we don’t need Him when things appear to be going well.  I read about a guy who reminded me of this reality and God's mercy.

 "About that time Hezekiah became deathly ill. (or maybe a ministry is dying) He prayed to the Lord, who healed him and gave him a miraculous sign.  But Hezekiah (sometimes we pastors) did not respond appropriately to the kindness shown him, and he became proud. (Really?) So the Lord’s anger came against him and against Judah and Jerusalem (sometimes the church).  Then Hezekiah humbled himself and repented of his pride, as did the people of Jerusalem. (read the church)  So the Lord’s anger did not fall on them during Hezekiah’s lifetime. (repentance for taking credit for God’s blessing)
Hezekiah was very wealthy and highly honored. . . . He built many towns and (multiple campuses) and acquired vast flocks and herds, for God had given him great wealth. . . .  And so he succeeded in everything he did.
However, when ambassadors arrived from Babylon (media, magazines, publishers) to ask about the remarkable events that had taken place in the land, God withdrew from Hezekiah in order to test him and to see what was really in his heart." (God has a right to humble us sometimes.)  2Chronicles 32:24-31 (additions mine)

God is more concerned about our hearts than He is about our stuff.  Remarkable stuff comes from a remarkable God working through ordinary people who trust the Lord and “respond appropriately to the kindness shown them.” 

Pastor, do you need to refocus on God’s work in your life or in your church?  We are here to help at ReFocused Ministry.

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