Top: Landmark at Ocracoke Island celebrating the killing of Blackbeard, a crazy pirate who would place two slow burning matches in his hair to give the illusion of smoke coming out his ears. Talk about "blowing smoke" in order to build an image.
Next: We visited a lighthouse. They built a duplex house for the lighthouse keepers. This meant there was always someone there to keep the light burning to guide ships into the harbor. Duplexing ministry positions will also ensure continuous coverage and growth.
Bottom: This is a statue of a man celebrating the Wright brothers' first flight. He didn't work on the plans, experience all the failures, face the pressure of nearly quitting, or take the risk of failure, but his life was changed because two guys got a vision for what others thought was impossible. It must have been cool for this guy to have been there, but imagine what the day was like for the Wright boys!
Lessons: The folly of blowing smoke. (pirate trick) The advantage of duplexing ministry positions. The excitement of doing something others think is impossible.
It was a great trip. Wish you could have been there.
Sounds like you had a good time. Glad you made it home safely!