The only time I can totally control my agenda is early in the morning. So . . . I get up at 6:00, do 20 - 30 minutes on my Total Gym, eat a healthy breakfast and greet the family at 7:00.
I have done away with two blood pressure meds and am maintaining great blood pressure. I am feeling great. I learned something about eating. We need to chew our food over and over to get the best results from it and to avoid gaining unwanted weight.
If we spent more time chewing on God's Word rather than just gobbling it down on Sunday, we might find that our spiritual health becomes better, too. We now have a place where you can "chew" on what is served up on Sunday.
Hey, eating with a few friends rather than by yourself is another secret of healthy eating. Why not join a Community Group (or form one) that does life together and chews on what God shared on Sunday through Clay?
Just Thinking.
Great Blog.