Showing love to even our enemies is a real challenge and yet it is a hallmark of being a true Christian. I recently revisited this topic. Here it is:
Taken from page 141:
"Compassion must be the essence of our response. Compassion comes from the Hebrew “racham” which means to love, to pity, or to be merciful. Jesus was moved with compassion when he saw the multitudes because He saw them as lost sheep with no shepherd. (Matthew 9:36) I am of the persuasion that if compassion fails to move us then we should not move. Stay put until you can see the situation the way the Lord sees it. Take time to commune with God, and ask Him to give you eyes that see as He sees.
We are quick to respond in order to win the battle, gain the spotlight, or voice our opinion. Remembering that the battle has been won, Christ deserves the spotlight, and our opinion does not really count will help us keep things in perspective and temper our response. When Christ responded to us while we were yet sinners, He sacrificially responded out of love for us with a desire for our benefit. (John 3:16) May our compassionate response model that of our Lord and Savior."
Think about it. (For information on the book, check out the Compasionate Confrontation 1 blog.)
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