Wednesday - Saturday: A whirlwind of work being done around the facilities by a swarm of volunteers. It is always great when God's people get involved in working together.
Sunday: Ed Young's visit on Sunday was great. We were challenged to Wake Up and Commit. If you attended the first and evening services, you were challenged to wake up. If you attended the second morning service, you were challenged to commit to what God has called you to do. I don't know if there is any significance to that or not.
Not to take anything away from Ed, but the evening beach baptisms were the highlight of the day, the icing on the cake, the climax of the celebration. Thirty-five people publicly identified with Christ through baptism!
Monday: The C3 Conference was a great time of fellowship with pastors and challenges from Ed Young. It was just one of those days where you sense the vastness of what God is doing.
Tuesday: A great pastors meeting followed by a great leadership meeting. A race to get the Sermon Studies Series posted for Tuesday night groups . . . posting the leadership blog . . . helping a young family with some benevolence needs . . . a rendezvous with Joan in Loris to pick out a bed for some guests that will be coming next month.
Today: Working on the weekend message . . . getting ready for Community Group tonight . . . working on a Tanzania mission trip for July . . . finishing up a benevolence case . . . working on Community Group/serving strategy . . . phone calls . . . realized that I hadn't blogged for a week . . . and feeling like I am not getting anything done.
Have you ever had a streak of days like that? They came almost instantly after I began to desire to focus on the rhythm of my life and walk. I feel completely out of rhythm at this time, but I trust that the Lord is using this streak of days to show me the urgency of the desire He has placed on my heart for godly rhythm.
How is your rhythm?