Monday, February 6, 2012

The Potential Found in Existing Churches

             We need to start a discussion about the state of the existing church in America.  I am not suggesting that we start ragging on churches or playing the comparison game.  I am not into pointing out a negative reality to demonstrate that I am not a part of that reality and I am certainly not professing to have all the answers.  I do have a heavy heart and urgent concern when I read statistics, talk to struggling pastors and visit stagnant churches. 

            According to George Barna , 3500 – 4000 churches close their doors each year and half of all churches last year did not add one new member through conversion growth(Twentysomethings Struggle to Find Their Place in Christian Churches)  Statistics from The Condition of the Church in America, complied by Andy McAdams state that:
    Only 15% of churches in the United States are growing and just 2.2% of those are growing by conversion growth (as opposed to competitive growth from other churches)
             A good argument can be made for re-planting or refocusing existing churches in order to advance the gospel in America.  Here are just a few advantages existing churches have:
1.   Most existing churches own their facilities
2.  Existing churches have a core of people already gathered together
3.   Existing churches have their 501c3 status and all the organizational red tape done
            Why is it so hard to see existing churches restored to their biblical purpose and vision?  I have several suggestions:
            1. There is a group of people who have claimed the church as their own and have lost all understanding of the nature of the Church and Christ’s headship and purposes for it.
            2. It is often hard for those involved in an organization to understand how they got to where they are and how to get to where they know they ought to be.
            3. The thought of change evokes fear, which leads to resistance, threats and negative forecasts. (and sometimes costs the pastor his job)
            4. There is a spiritual battle and the gates of hell are set against the church.
            5. The evil twins of Pride and Denial refuse to take the radical steps necessary to address the problem and recruit outside help.
            I see a bright future for many existing churches in America as they refocus, restructure and renew their biblical vision and purpose.  ReFocused Ministry exists to advance the gospel by helping pastors and churches refocus on their vision and purpose.  Contact us if we can be of assistance to your church.

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