Yesterday Joan took down our Christmas tree. It has 1500 lights on it. (Horry Electric will notice a loss in draw on the power grid.) It is a tedious and time consuming job. Halfway through taking it down and packing up each part, she said, "Tell me again why we do this." (I am the wrong person to ask because I have no "why" for this one.)
We did come up with some "why's" that even helped me appreciate the inconvenience and clutter a tree produces. Our family gathers each year for Thanksgiving at our place. Our grandsons stay overnight and help put the tree up the next day. They love it. It is making memories and tradition that are important to our family. Joan loves the environment the tree produces. She can sit for hours just looking at the tree. (For me it is sort of like looking directly into the sun.) Once we discussed the "why" of the tree, we completed the task of putting it away and look forward to spending the day after Thanksgiving with our grandchildren.
Sometimes it is good to ask, "Why?" We are in the middle of asking that question at Barefoot Church right now. I anticipate that when we revisit why we do what we do that we will do it with more energy, excellence, excitement, and expectation.
Why do you do what you do?
Why?I think by asking God that question and being in a position where you are willing to listen to what He(God) says to me and to watch how my life transpires has helped me in determining that big question,God what do you want to do with my life?I believe that if we allow ourselves to be open to the Holy Spirit to disclose Himself to our minds and souls...and allow Him to open truth to us, then it will be revealed to us.I believe God has told me to use my experiences,His healing to my soul and body and life,His revelation of His precious healing words in His Bible as a bridge to bring others,either believers or non-believers,closer...to the feet of Jesus.Little,daily acts of love express the love of God.Jesus tells us in His Gospels, that when we have given to the poor,the hungry,the unclothed,ones in jail,widows,children,etc.then that is also the time we have given to Him,our Lord and Saviour.I cherish the love that has been shown by so many people at Barefoot Church.I love the desire of these believers to share with others what has been given to us,by love and grace,by our loving,saving,healing God.We should all not only ask why?...but why not...why so long?....why are we waiting?...We must live each day for itself and pass forward the salvation and love of our almighty God,our Lord,our Saviour,our abiding Holy Spirit.All praise be to God forever and forever!Amen.