Name: ****** Parker
E-mail: *******_2000@yahoo.com
Comment: I am on your website and want to know more information.
This is just one of many people who are being pointed to Christ by Barefoot Church and are located way outside our physical borders of ministry. Technology has knocked down the borders of ministry outreach.
There is a swelling number of organizations realizing that the geographic or distance barriers that once defined the limit of their impact are gone. We see: Doctors Without Borders, Teachers Without Borders, Engineers Without Borders, Lawyers Without Borders (oh, boy), and a host of others. There's even Mothers Without Borders who address the global orphan crisis.
Thinking outside the box has taken on a whole new meaning as we leverage new technology to become a church with no borders. Old technology allowed us to broadcast the Gospel via radio. New technology enables us to minister to people and expand the Body of Christ as never before.
Thinking outside the box means more than being creative in our communication and local outreach. We have to begin to think globally (outside the borders) and become a church without borders.
Hey, want to experience a global community environment? Join us at Barefoot Church on Saturday nights at 6:00pm, Sundays at 9:00am and 11:00am and Tuesday nights at 7:30pm.
I'm focusing more and more on riding this wave in my ministry responsibilites here at Barefoot. I have changed this site's address to be easier to find and use. It is now found at: JimEvans.tv. Hey, I even have a MacBook on the way. (You've got to do what you've got to do.)
Remember, the earth is the Lord's and everything in it. THINK GLOBAL. LEVERAGE TECHNOLOGY.
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