Monday, March 5, 2012

Conformity . . . The Real Battle

Romans 12:1-2 reminds us that God does not want us to be like the world (people who do not know God) but rather He wants us to be transformed so that we can engage in His good and perfect will for our lives.  We are all about not looking like lost people, but I believe there is a deeper challenge to this command.

The word conformed (suschmatizw) means that we are not to "blend in" or be "schemed in" with the world.  The word transformed (metamorpow) means to be changed from the inside out.  We get our word metamorphosis from this Greek word.  It is what happens when a caterpillar is turned into a butterfly.  Conformity focuses on external appearance ... like the Pharisees. Transformation focuses on an internal, authentic change of mind and heart that shows up in an outward expression or appearance.

Conformity is a human tendency.  Rebellious teens "do their own thing" and conform to the latest trend and look.  Churches focus on not conforming to the world while they conform to the latest church trends and looks.  Why?  Because transformation is uncomfortable.  First, because it is not immediately apparent on the outside and therefore requires patience and trust.  Secondly, because it is not something we can control or make happen.  And finally, because it often results in being different than the surrounding culture which makes us the subject of criticism, judgement and attack.

I am the active agent in conformity.  God is the active agent in transformation.  I try to conform to what I want to be.  God wants to transform me into what He wants me to be.

Jesus was a transformational agent in a religious environment.  He knew the prostitute could be transformed by God's grace and power even though she didn't have it within herself to conform to the world's standards.  He also knew that conformity, even to high religious standards, traditions and practices, was not real . . . not authentic . . . and did not make anyone right with God.  

So . . . here's the BIG QUESTION: Are you trying to fit into the Christian world or are you allowing God to transform you into His image?  BTW . . . The same question can be asked of church leaders: Are you trying to fit into the Church world or are you allowing God to transform His church into a living change agent as His ambassador to a lost world.

We, as human beings, are such conformists.  We need to focus on God's work in our life . . . our church.  Trust Him . . . seek His counsel in His Word . . . obey His leading . . .  discover His good and perfect will for your life and for His church.  Comments welcome.

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