Stuff happens in certain environments. Kids clam up when adults enter their environment. Normally calm and sensible people go crazy in the stadium environment. Environments are important.
Starbucks tells potential employee's that they "can make a difference in someone's day by creating an environment where neighbors and friends can get together and reconnect while enjoying a great coffee experience."
Hey, Starbucks is telling it's employee that their job is to "create an environment" where people can get together and reconnect. They are not hired to sell coffee. I am amazed at the number of people who confess that Starbucks does not have the best coffee in the world. But, Starbucks still attracts people and has set the bar in the coffee experience world. Its all about creating an environment that attracts people.
Starbucks is focusing on a cultural need that gathers people to their coffee experience. George Gallop said that Americans are among the loneliest people in the world. Starbucks has created a culture that addresses a deep felt need, and they sell coffee too. As a matter of fact, they have popularized coffee drinking.
It seems that Satan (nothing to do with Starbucks) is into environments and creates them everywhere to attract people. Jesus told us of this competition: "The thief comes only to steal , and kill, and destroy; I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly." John 10:10
We have a message that changes lives that change the world. We have a message of life for those who are dead in trespasses and sins. (Ephesians 2:1-10) We have a message of sight for those who are blinded by the prince of this world. (2 Corinthians 4:4)
We should be all about making a difference in someone's life by creating an environment where people can come together and connect while enjoying a great spiritual experience. A place where they can take time to consider the claims of the Scriptures and the good news of redemption.
As I think about the upcoming year and recruiting volunteers for Community Groups, I am not going to invite them to "lead a Community Group," but to come make a difference in someone's life by creating an environment where people can fellowship and connect while enjoying a great spiritual experience.
We are not about selling the Gospel but rather creating an environment where it will sell itself.
Just Thinking (Kind of a long thought this time. Sorry.)
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