I just returned from a four-day retreat at Savannah Lakes Resort where our mission team came together to re-focus our vision, renew our fellowship and spend time in prayer. The resort was inspiring and relaxing. When we are engaged in challenging circumstances and aggressive organizational growth, it doesn't take long for things to get slightly muddled (Is that a word?). This was invaluable time that will have significant impact on the lives of team members, the productivity of the organization and the advancement of the kingdom.
Pulling the team together is critical to maintaining clear movement. It was a great time to re-evaluate problems, do some future casting and confirm individual roles in accomplishing the goal of our mission statement.
I felt the time was calming, encouraging, inspiring and edifying. The way to avoid major problems is to learn to effectively solve smaller problems in an atmosphere of safety and encouragement. It reminded me of when Jesus went apart with His team to clarify what was taking place. Sometimes they did not get it at that particular time but later when the circumstances came to pass, "They remembered that He had said this." John 2:19-22.
It is important to take time to come apart before we fall apart. Even though a football team knows the playbook inside and out, watch how often they go into a huddle. Plan, huddle and execute. Many times we think we only need to plan and execute, assuming that a sum of individual participation will win the game. It is in the huddle that the chemistry is experienced that releases the full potential of the team. To clear all the muddle, take time to huddle.
Just Thinking
Man, what a great post!!! Very inspiring.