Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Dwell on these things

The past year has been one of, if not, the most difficult years of my life. I have been physically exhausted, emotionally depressed and spiritually challenged. After experiencing what I can only describe as a physical/emotional breakdown, I resigned a ministry that I believed was what I would be doing when the Lord came or I went home. I moved our family away from a place they all loved and watched their hearts be torn as they left behind friends and moved to a strange place for no aparent reason except that "dad is having problems."

I am now stronger but still tend to dwell on the rubble of the past year. The uncertainty of the future and the regrets of the past often eat away at living in the present. In responding to a co-worker this morning I encouraged her with Philippians 4:4-9. I wanted her to have a joyful day in the Lord. I decided to revisit the passage myself. It was a good visit! I knew I needed to not be anxious, I understand I need to pray and be thankful, and I knew that God wanted me call upon Him with my requests but I was especially impressed this morning with the: "and finally brethren."

The passage basically says, "Hey, if anything good is happening, dwell on that." There is always going to be bad stuff happening and stuff that is hard to understand. Dwelling on that stuff can really mess a guy up!

God has been good this year. He has met our needs and given us grace sufficient for the difficulties. He has placed us near to our son's family, led us to a great church family and is working things out in our daughter's life and our youngest son's life that are best done at this location. The past is hard to understand and the future is uncertain but God is faithful! Look for the diamonds in the rubble and rejoice as you discover them. Dwell on God's faithfulness and again I say, Rejoice.

Just Thinking.

1 comment:

  1. Jim, Hang in there my brother! God has a plan. Sometimes what seems to be a closed door becomes the biggest door of all. Clay


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