Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Joan and I are beginning a new chapter in our lives.  We have sensed God's release from Barefoot Church and are awaiting a new assignment.  Just to end all opportunity for gossip and attack, I have the highest respect and love for Barefoot Church and Pastor Clay Nesmith.  It is a place where I healed and grew over the past five years.  It is also a place where God used me to accomplish significant ministry in people's lives and for the body at Barefoot. It was a very good chapter.

I have been aware of he God's nudging for some time.  A love for ministry in general, a great love for Clay and Kim Nesmith, being involved in a growing and edgy ministry and the comfort of the known made the decision very difficult, but God began to apply more and more situational evidence of His leading. 

What does this new chapter mean?  I am not fully sure.  This is day one of putting one foot in front of the other to see where God is leading.  Joan and I are spending the next couple days at The Healing Place, a pastoral retreat in High Point, North Carolina.  We are attempting to listen to God.  I am sensing that God is going to move me into an area of my strength for this final sprint to the finish line. I am excited and ready to be plugged into a team of men where my positional strength on the team will advance the gospel, invade the gates of hell and change the culture from darkness to light.

What I know is:
1.  God has something significant in mind.  1 Timothy 1:6-11
2.  We are already seeing God reveal His direction through people, situations and His word.
3.  This blog will become an big part of my ministry.  God has given us so many friends all over the world and has encouraged me to be an encouragement through this technology.
4.  Colossians 4:3 is still our guiding ministry verse and I appreciate those who have prayed for us over the years.
5. Joan and I are very blessed and God has shown us His faithfulness through 36 years of marriage and ministry.

I invite you to partner with us in ministry through your prayers, insights and friendship.  Some of you have been with us since the beginning and I can say with Paul, the apostle,  thank you.